A woman in the workplace has more staying power than a man, as firing her opens the employer to a potential discrimination lawsuit and drives down a diversity quota which needs to be met by most corporations.
It’s an interesting time.
white and nerdy Reply: June 26th, 2010 at 11:37 pm
Is this really “people skills” or refusal to be an obedient worker drone?
Over the last several years there were men who got fired from banks and other corporations who tried to sound the alarm about the (back then) coming mortgage and related crises. I suppose they could have just sat down and shut up but these men wanted to solve a real problem.
Normally these men would go out and become self employed or start their own businesses. I have been looking into becoming self employed but I have discovered that particularly under Obama it has gotten a lot harder. Tax policy and regulation conspire to try and make it so a person will be a worker drone for a corporation or the government.
This isn’t a shift to “non-alphas and women”. There is nothing alpha about starting a business or going self employed as there is nothing beta about being a worker drone. What we are seeing is decreased American competitiveness due to feminist government.
Pjay pointed out how women are harder to fire because of diversity quotas and BS sexism lawsuits. It goes farther than that. The Spearhead recently had a post about how family law is destroying American competitiveness. Every feminist policy is weakening the American economy. white and nerdy´s last blog ..Social ProofMy? ComLuv? Profile
» Reply to this Comment « Snowdrop111 says: June 24, 2010 at 11:20 am