And I definitely wouldn't want my family or anybody else to know about the DD aspect of our relationship, I would die of embarrassment!
by Louise C on 2005 Dec 10 - 06:41 | reply to this comment consentual spanking for discipline Spanking for disipline purposes has been very effective for us. it is done in complete privacy and not discussed with anyone. after consentual agreement, our life has more meaning and hours formerly of discussion, silence, going on for days is eliminated. the process of giving a real old fashioned spanking can be done in fifteen minutes. the pain may linger but not more than overnight and the next morning thanks are given and promises kept so the process is not repeated.
I view people as people first. I tend to judge people by those qualities you listed as being masculine - to me, they are the sign of a good, decent person, regardless of gender. I am not sure that there are qualities that are exclusively the preserve of one or other gender - although in my eyes there are some characteristics that I prefer to see in one rather than the other. But that's my bias, not a universal truth, and it has made for good debates. Of course, some characteristics typically seen as masculine or feminine may well be fuelled by body chemicals.
Furthermore, I believe those sort of qualities are as much to do with nurture as nature. I'm not convinced that either gender is born with an innate ability to have more of one quality than another.
I'm not saying my way of looking at things is right or wrong - it's simply how I was brought up.
I personally am attracted to strong men - in particular ones who are stronger than me. It was part of my attraction to my husband, although it took us a while to actually work out - or acknowledge - the best dynamics for us were for him to be head of household.
by ConfusedOfHomeCounties? on 2004 Dec 20 - 13:33 | reply to this comment Submission and weakness There are a lot of women on this website who are very strong, dynamic, forceful etc, yet they feel the desire to be submissive within their relationships. This does not make them weak, and I don't see that it necessarily makes a man weak either. A man who wanted to be submissive would, it is true, be a big turn-off for me, but I daresay there are women who would not be turned off by it.
by Louise C on 2004 Dec 20 - 13:54 | reply to this comment In Love With a Submissive Man Then throw away what you have written, Hadi, for I am in love with a (mostly) submissive man. We are both switches. He prefers the submissive role.